Polity SSC Previous Year Questions For Preparation

Polity Important Questions and Most Repeated Polity Questions in SSC Exams
We Provide 40 Polity Important Questions Which are most Repeated Polity Questions in previous exams. These SSC Polity Previous year questions Helps you in The Upcoming Exams to Score Good Marks in Polity Section.
Q.1. Which of the following exercised the most profound influence in framing the Indian constitution ?
A) British Constitution
B) US Constitution
C) Iris Constitution
D) The Government of India Act 1935
Answer – (D)
Q.2. How does the Constitution of India describe India as ?
A) A federation of States and union Territories
B) A union of States
C) Bharatvarsh
D) A federated Nation
Answer – (B)
Q.3. Which of the following countries have an Unwritten Constitution ?
C) Pakistan
D) India
Answer – UK
Q.4. The Constitution of India was adopted on
A) 26 January 1950
B) 26 January 1949
C) 26 November 1949
D) 31 December 1949
Answer – (C)
Q.5. Who among the following was the President of the constituent Assembly of India ?
A) Dr Rajendra Prasad
B) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) M.A Jinnah
D) Lal Bahadur Shastri
Answer – (A)
Q.6. How many articles are there in the Indian constitution ?
A) 395
B) 396
C) 398
D) 399
Answer – (A)
Q.7. The Constitution of India was Framed by
A) Planning Commission
B) Constituent Assembly
C) President
D) Working Committee
Answer – (B)
Q.8. Which was Described by Dr B R Ambedkar as the ‘ Heart and Soul ‘ of the Constitution ?
A) Right to Equality
B) Right Against Exploitation
C) Right to Constitutional Remedies
D) Right to Freedom of Religion
Answer – (C)
Q.9. The Drafting of the Constitution was Completed on
A) 26 January 1950
B) 26 December 1949
C) 26 November 1949
D) 30 November 1949
Answer – (C)
Q.10. First Country to make Constitution is
A) India
B) England
D) Sri Lanka
Answer – (C)
Q.11. The Method of Impeachment of the President of India is adopted from
D) France
Answer – (A)
Q.12. Who was the chairman of the Constituent Assembly ?
A) Dr B R Ambedkar
B) Dr Rajendra Prasad
C) Jawaharlal Lal Nehru
D) Vallabh Bhai Patel
Answer – (B)
Q.13. Indian Constitution Contains How Many Parts ?
A) 12
B) 22
C) 18
D) 25
Answer – (D)
Q.14. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution ?
A) Lord Mountbatten
B) Dr Rajendra Prasad
C) Dr B R Ambedkar
D) Pandit Jawaharlal Lal Nehru
Answer – (C)
Q.15. In Indian constitution the Method of Election of President has been taken from which Country ?
A) Britain
C) Ireland
D) Australia
Answer – (C)
Q.16. Which one of the following is not a key feature of Indian Constitution ?
A) Quasi Federal
B) Separation of Powers
C) Fundamental Rights
D) Aristocracy
Answer – (D)
Q.17. The Concept of Sovereign Parliament Originated in
A) England
B) India
C) France
D) Japan
Answer – (A)
Q.18. The Concurrent List in the Indian constitution is adopted from the Constitution of
B) Canada
C) Germany
D) Australia
Answer – (D)
Q.19. The Mind and Ideals of the Framers of Constitution are reflected in the
A) Preamble
B) Fundamental Rights
C) Fundamental Duties
D) Directive Principles of State Policy
Answer – (A)

Q.20. Which Government of India Act allowed some elected Representation in the Legislature for the First time ?
A) Government of India Act 1858
B) Government of India Act 1909
C) Government of India Act 1919
D) Government of India Act 1935
Answer – (B)
Q.21. Indian constitution is
A) Federal
B) Quasi Federal
C) Unitary
D) Presidential
Answer – (B)
Q.22. The State Possesses
A) Only External Sovereignty
B) Only Internal Sovereignty
C) Both Internal and External Sovereignty
D) Neither External nor Internal Sovereignty
Answer – (C)
Q.23. The Government of India Act 1935 was based on
A) Simon Commission
B) Lord Curzon Commission
C) Dimitrov Thesis
D) Lord Clive’s Report
Answer – (A)
Q.24. Who Described the Government of of India Act 1935 as a New Charter of Bondage ?
A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) Rajendra Prasad
C) Jawaharlal Nehru
D) B R Ambedkar
Answer – (C)
Q.25. Who is the Custodian of the Indian constitution ?
A) President of India
B) Chief Justice of India
C) Prime Minister of India
D) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
Answer – (B)
Q.26. Which is the most Important system in Democracy ?
A) Social
B) Political
C) Economic
D) Governmental
Answer – (B)
Q.27. When was the First Central Legislative Assembly Constituted ?
A) 1922
B) 1923
C) 1921
D) 1920
Answer – (D)
Q.28. The Concept of Rule of Law is a Special Feature Constitutional System of
A) Britain
C) France
D) Switzerland
Q.29. The Method of Amending the Constitution by Popular veto is found in
A) Britain
B) Russia
C) Switzerland
D) India
Answer – (C)
Q.30. The Phrase ‘ Equality Before Law ‘ Used in Article-14 of Indian Constitution has been Borrowed from
B) Germany
C) Greece
D) Britain
Answer – (D)
Q.31. Which one of the Following Judgements Stated that ‘Secularism’ and ‘Federalism’ are the basic features of the Indian constitution ?
A) Keshavananda Bharati Case
B) S R Bommai Case
C) Indira Sawhney Case
D) Minerva Mills Case
Answer – (B)
Q.32. Who among the following was not a member of the Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution ?
A) B R Ambedkar
B) Alladi Krishnaswamy
C) Rajendra Prasad
D) Gopala chari Ayyangar
Answer – (C)
Q.33. Autocracy Means
A) Rule by Few
B) Rule by King
C) Absolute Rule by One
D) Rule by the Representatives of the People
Answer – (C)
Q.34. The Idea of Parliamentary form of Government is adapted from
B) Britain
C) Ireland
Answer – (B)
Q.35. Who among the following Proposed the Suggestion for a Constituent Assembly first in 1935 ?
A) Jawaharlal Nehru
B) Mahatma Gandhi
C) J P Narayan
D) M N Roy
Answer – (D)

Q.36. From Which country The Constitutional Features of procedures of Amendment was borrowed by India ?
A) Britain
C) South Africa
D) Germany
Answer – (C)
Q.37. From Which of the following Country Indian constitution borrowed the Feature ” The Written Constitution ” ?
A) Russia
B) Britain
D) Japan
Answer – (C)
Q.38. In which of the following Acts the Territorial Division of Governance in India was Done ?
A) Government of India Act 1858
B) Indian Councils Act 1861
C) Indian Councils Act 1892
D) Government of India Act 1861
Answer – (A)
Q.39. By Which of the following Act the System of Dyarchy was introduced at the Centre ?
A) 1909
B) 1919
C) 1935
D) 1947
Answer (C)
Q.40. Universal Adult Franchise Shows that India is a Country which is
A) Secular
B) Socialist
C) Sovereign
D) Democratic
Answer – (D)