25 Best UPSC Questions on Ancient History

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Previous year UPSC Questions on Ancient History for Prelims Exam Preparation. 25 UPSC Questions on Ancient History Part 1

These 25 UPSC Questions on Ancient History helps you in preparing for the Preliminary Exam Previous Year UPSC questions on Ancient History

Upsc Questions on Ancient History
UPSC Questions on Ancient History

Q.1 The Word ‘Hindu’ as reference to the people of Hind (India) was first used by:

A) The Greeks

B) The Romans

C) the Chinese

D) the Arabs ✓

Answer – (D)

Q.2. Who among the following was a Brahmavadini who composed some hymns of the Vedas ?

A) Lopamudra ✓

B) Gargi

C) Leelavati

D) Savitri

Answer – (A)

Q.3. In sanskrit plays written During the Gupta period women and Sudras speak :

A) Sanskrit

B) Prakrit ✓

C) Pali

D) Sauraseni

Answer – (B)

Q.4. The name by which ashoka is generally referred to his inscriptions is

A) Chakravarti

B) Dharmadeva

C) Dharmakirti

D) Priyadarsi ✓

Answer – (D)

Q.5. The term ‘ Yavanapriya’ mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted

A) a fine variety of Indian muslim

B) ivory

C) damsels sent to the Greek court for dance performance

D) pepper ✓

Answer – (D)

Q.6. The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by

A) Mahayana Buddhism

B) Hinayana Buddhism

C) Jainism ✓

D) The Lokayata School

Answer – (C)

Q.7. According to Mimamsa System of Philosophy, Liberation is possible means by

A) jnana

B) bhakti

C) yoga

D) karma ✓

Answer – (D)

Q.8. Bronze icons of natraja cast during the chola period Invariably show the deity with

A) eight hands

B) six hands

C) four hands ✓

D) two hands

Answer – (C)

Q.9. Which one of the following temples figured in the news regarding the institution of the devadasi ?

A) Jagannath Temple , Puri ✓

B) Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu

C) Kandariya Mahadev Temple, Khajuraho

D) Chausath Yogini Temple, Bhedaghat

Answer – (A)

Q.10. The river most mentioned in early Vedic literature is

A) Sindhu ✓

B) Sutudri

C) Sarasvati

D) Ganga

Answer – (A)

Q.11. Which one of the following is not a part of Early Jains literature?

A) Therigatha ✓

B) Acarangasutra

C) Sutrakritanga

D) Brihatkalpasutra

Answer – (A)

Q.12. Who among the following is known for his work on medicine during the Gupta period?

A) Saumilla

B) Sudraka

C) Shaunaka

D) Susrutha ✓

Answer – (D)

Q.13. Which one of the following Sculptures was invariably used green schist as the medium ?

A) Maurya Sculptures

B) Mathura Sculptures

C) Bharhut Sculptures ✓

D) Gandhara Sculptures

Answer – (C)

Q.14. Which one of the following texts of ancient India allows divorce to a wife deserted by her husband ?

A) Kamasutra

B) Manava Sharma Shastra

C) Sukra Nitisara

D) Arthashastra ✓

Answer – (D)

Q.15. Which one of the following statements regarding ashoka stone pillars is incorrect ?

A) These are highly polished

B) These are monolithic

C) The shaft of pillars is tapering in shape

D) These are parts of Architectural structures ✓

Answer – (D)

Q.16. Which one of the following scripts of Ancient India was written from right to left ?

A) Brahmi

B) Nandnagari

C) Sharada

D) Kharosthi ✓

Answer – (d)

Q.17. The Famous dialogue between Nachiketa and yama is Mentioned in the

A) Chhandogyopanishad

B) Mundakopanishad

C) Kathopanishad ✓

D) Kenopanishad

Answer – (C)

Q.18. Milindapanho is in the form of a dialogue between the king menander and budhhist monk

A) Nagasena ✓

B) Nagarjuna

C) Nagabhatta

D) Kumarilabhatta

Answer – (A)

Q.19. Which one of the following Edicts mentions the Personal name of ashoka?

A) Kalsi

B) Rummindei

C) Special Kalinga edict

D) Maski ✓

Answer – (D)

Q.20. In the Mahayana Buddhism , the bodhisatva avalokitesvara was also known as

A) Vajrapani

B) Manjusri

C) Padmapani ✓

D) maitreya

Answer – (C)

Q.21. The silver coins issued by the Guptas were called

A) Rupaka ✓

B) Karshapana

C) Dinara

D) Pana

Answer – (A)

Q.22. Which one of the following was a corporation of merchants in ancient India?

A) Chaturvedi mangalam

B) Parishad

C) Ashtadikgaja

D) Manigrama ✓

Answer – (D)

Q.23. The Badami Rock inscription of Pulakesin I is dated in the saka year 465. If the same were to be dated in Vikrama smavat the year would be

A) 601 ✓

B) 300

C) 330

D) 407

Answer – (A)

Q.24. The Ashoka Major rock edicts which tell us about the sangam kingdom include rock edicts

A) I and X

B) I and XI

C) II and XIII ✓

D) II and XIV

Answer – (C)

Q.25. Which one of the following ancient Indian records is the earliest royal order to preserve food grains to be utilised during the crisis in the country?

A) Sohgaura Copper Plate ✓

B) Rummindei Pillar edict of Ashoka

C) Prayaga prasasti

D) Mehrauli Pillar inscription of Chandra

Answer – (A)

Start Preparing for UPSC Prelims these 25 UPSC Questions on Ancient History Gives youbthe idea for better preparation. best UPSC Questions on Ancient History Part 1

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