International girl child day 2022

International Girl Child Day 2022 Theme and Significance

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International Girl Child Day 2022 is Celebrated on 11 October Every Year. It is Observed to Raise awareness about the Importance of Girls in Our Society.

International Girl Child Day 2022

The International Day of the Girl Child, which is celebrated on October 11, is aimed at raising public awareness about the value and potential of girls in society. In 2022, the International Day of the Girl Child (IDG) will celebrate its 10th anniversary. In celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child, attention is drawn to the challenges girls face and to ensuring that they are empowered and have their human rights respected.

International Girl Child Day 2022 Theme

International Day of the Girl Child’s theme this year is “Our time is now—our rights, our future”. It emphasizes the diversity of challenges girls face to achieve their potential. Due to global crises like climate change, COVID-19, and humanitarian conflicts, this has only become worse. Education, mental and physical wellness, and living a life free of violence pose significant challenges to girls.

Importance of International Girl Child Day 2022

During International Day of the Girl Child, we urge everyone to become that voice of change and empower oppressed girls across the world. Historically, gender bias has led to problematic mindsets, which have made it difficult for girls to reach their potential at every step.

Because empowered girls are the future of a great and progressive society, the International Day of the Girl Child strives to raise awareness about these issues.

International Girl Child Day 2022 : History

In 1995, countries adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action at the World Conference on Women in Beijing, the most progressive blueprint for advancing the rights of women and girls ever. It is the first time the Beijing Declaration has specifically referenced girls’ rights.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 on December 19, 2011 to recognize the rights of girls and the unique challenges they face across the globe on October 11.

International Girl Child Day 2022 Quotes

  • We have to tell our girls that they can reach as high as Humanly Possible – Beyonce ( Singer )
  • I want Every Girl to Know that her voice can change the World – Malala Yousafzai
  • To all little girls, Never doubt that you are Valuable and Powerful and deserving of every chance and Opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the theme of the National Girl Child Day in 2022?

    As we celebrate the accomplishments of our daughters, we pledge to bridge the gender divide and create a society of inclusion and equality.

  2. What is the first theme for International Day of the Girl Child?

    The First Theme of the International Girl child day was ‘Ending Child Marriage’

  3. Why do we need Girl child Day?

    International Girl Child Day is an important day for girls Creating awareness of the rights of girls, giving them the same opportunities as everyone else, and removing gender-based biases towards girls

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